
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Celebrity Gossip - An Interview With Entertainment News Leader Colin Drummond

Colin Drummond, the former Producer of TMZ Celebrity News is a leader in the entertainment industry with extensive experience in film production, prominent business connections and a penchant and knack for capturing the everyday actions of fascinating people in the public eye. Drummond is now CEO and founder of a recently launched entertainment news agency dedicated to distributing photographs, video and humanistic news stories about politicians, and celebrities in the Washington, DC arena and worldwide.
Who makes the headlines and how does an entertainment news agency provide up-to-the-minute exclusive video and photos of headlining politicians, celebrities and public officials? Dorothy Dutch asked probing questions of Colin Drummond to get to the heart of the paparazzi phenomena. For those of us who unabashedly enjoy flipping through celebrity photo stories on line or off, it can be even more satisfying if we understand the world of the candid camera.
This interview session is aimed at the journalists who give us our daily doses of unethical behavior, celebrity photos, gossip, news articles, and entertainment news even before prime time entertainment shows enter our living rooms. Drummond's answers offer a surprising eye view of a world behind the candid cameras of the paparazzi.
Dorothy Dutch: Are paparazzi also writers or mainly just photographers?
Colin Drummond: Most are photographers or former photographers who go on to start their own agencies. They work at a day rate (standard pay for a day). This is known as freelancing. It's better for them because they still own their images or videos. Most paparazzi are freelance photographers who work for agencies who sell their photos and the agency takes a cut. A good agency has a strong sales team and can get photos on T.V. shows, magazines, billboards, and even inside movie marketing material.
DD: What qualifications must a paparazzo have?
CD: A pap has to have workable camera equipment, knowledge of celebrities, know how to take photos, and be able to ask great questions. For equipment they need plenty of camera gear, a fast SLR camera, a few good lens, (very costly) and a HD Video camera.
DD: Can anyone do it?
CD: Yes and No. Anyone can get lucky and capture a great picture by being in the right place at the right time, but doing it day after day requires hard work and dedication to your craft. DD: The paparazzi are perceived as "pests" to be avoided because they will do anything to get a picture. Are they that bad?
CD: Not really. Those who have been in the business for awhile have good relationships with all the celebrities. They usually know how close they can get to someone or who they need to use their long lens on.
DD: Is it true that they will literally provoke a subject into anger in order to get a more candid, unflattering shot and if not, why do you think the paparazzi are so disliked that fights break out?
CD: No. Fights are usually initiated by overzealous bodyguards or hangers on who really don't understand the business and think they are helping the stars out. There have been times when bodyguards have even been fired for getting too aggressive
DD: What stars and famous people have you photographed who actually enjoy working with the paparazzi?
CD: Hands down, Tom Cruise, Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, Hugh Jackman, Larry King.
DD: Which celebrities do you know who want to avoid them?
CD: Gwenyth Paltrow, Scarlett Johanson, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Aniston, Cher, Barbara Streisand DD: Do politicians on the Washington scene resist photographers?
CD: No, at first politicos didn't understand the paparazzi game in DC, but now they realize they are public figures and since technology has evolved they should try to use it to their advantage.
DD: Is it different following high level political figures than it is to photograph film and television stars?
CD: Yes, they often look at you as if to ask, "Why are you taking my photo on the streets? I'm no celebrity." But these days all politicians know they have to be visual to appeal to the younger market and to represent their districts. Some are even flattered that their constituents are seeing them in magazines.
DD: If an agency covers a geographic area like Washington, DC, do the paparazzi follow the celebs and politicians as they leave town or go out of the country?
CD: Not necessarily, but if a politician has a great (hot) story, you can bet that he or she will be tailed. The freelance photographer will pay for his or her own transportation, but if working with an agency, the agency will pay airfare, food and lodging.
DD: Are paparazzi invited to any major events or do they just have to wait around outside until all the celebrities enter or emerge?
CD: Some moonlight and shoot red carpet events, but the real hard core photographers don't like these functions because they are controlled situations and the photos aren't worth as much as candid street photos.
DD: I have also heard that they do not care about the laws restricting photographs of celebs to public places. They are willing to pay the fines in order to get great shots. Is this generally the case?
CD: This is not usually true because most know that magazines will not buy photos of celebrities in restricted areas. Agencies also prefer to keep their names in good graces with the celebrities and their public relations people, so agencies will not jeopardize that standing.
DD: Can you tell me about a personal experience you have had with a celeb that you will never forget?
Once I was working on Paul McCartney during his huge divorce scandal. As five other paparazzi where waiting outside his house in NYC Paul just walked out and none of the other five saw him leave. I followed him for about a block and then he stopped and posed for me, thinking those where the photos I wanted. I let him walk through Manhattan without photographing him and he went to have dinner. I just waited outside, and then when he came back outside, he said he had given me the photos so why was I still following him. I said, "Sir Paul, I am not taking anymore photos of you out of respect, but I am working on an assignment for a newspaper in London and they want to know everything you do today". He started laughing and asked me what newspaper it was, and I told him it was The Daily Mail and he laughed again.
DD: Is there competition from the general public (with all the digital cameras) who are submitting great shots to various publications?
CD: Of course, but the difference is, the general public does not consistently know when or have the patience to take the really great shot. Sometimes you have to let the celebrity do something which the public is waiting to see. For example, a new couple who is rumored to be dating but they keep denying it and the general public sees them in the streets out an about. But, the best photo of them would be taken if the photographer knows to wait until they hold hands, or even kiss. Big Money Shot!
DD: Do you have a staff of writers to incorporate the news with the celebrity photos?
CD: Yes we have a few writers, and try to team up our writers within their strengths. One might love music and will write on all the musical artists. Another might love female fashions and would get that story, but most of all everyone is celebrity and political news clued.
Celebrity-Newz is an online entertainment news agency providing political and celebrity news for the diverse neighborhoods of the entire Washington, DC area. Their mission is to capture the humanistic side of politicians, celebrities, news figures and even B-List celebrities. Their contribution to the industry is with buzz-worthy and relevant news presented in a creative, eclectic style. They offer an unconventional, cutting edge approach that is not the typical salacious buzz or lackluster video, but is lens-ready and street-side, waiting to unveil the next captivating story.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5874856

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Get to a Mesothelioma Law Firm in Time to Claim the Compensation

It is better to take resort to a mesothelioma law firm or mesothelioma lawyers as soon as mesothelioma disease is diagnosed clinically. There are many essential and mandatory legal factors like time bar to file the suit, the time and duration for exposure, the damage caused due to working in a particular industry or damage caused by some arbitrary act on the part of the patient in his early life etc. As determining the applicability of all these factors are part of specialized knowledge and professional expertise so it is always wise to leave the decision in the hand the mesothelioma lawyers or mesothelioma law firm. Sometimes to find exactly how much relevance the alleged exposure does have with the claim for compensation, the mesothelioma law firm may even hire a private investigator to look into the matter. There are many law firms which exclusively deal with only mesothelioma cases. Such kind of law firms keep mesothelioma lawyers who do only deal with the cases relating to compensation claim in case mesothelioma disease is diagnosed in a patient. There are many companies which to up size profit, compromise the safety of the workers and make them work in dusty environment with little or no protection.
This irregularity is more often in asbestos industries and stone- crusher industries where the workers are exposed to hazard more expansively than anywhere. With each breathing they intake the microscopic dust particle which do not come out with exhalation but stick to the wall of lungs. After long time normally after years of working in that environment, when the body gradually weakened the hazard shows itself. So, it is probably an exception among the diseases, in which the harm is perceived when already it is too late to prevent. Once, lungs and heart thus weaken, automatically the patient is faced with considerable decrease in his energy to work and ironically, to earn. In such situation, mesothelioma law firm and mesothelioma lawyers become of great help. It is always pretty advantageous to the patient to take resort to legal advice from a reputed mesothelioma law firm in or around his locality, because the profit to the patient is from both sides, in winning or losing. During seeking legal advice in such cases the patient or any party on the patient's side does not need to pay any fees at the first instance. The fee is only claimed when the compensation is awarded to the patient or any party legally authorized. A percentage is charged by the mesothelioma lawyers or mesothelioma law firm who was engaged for the job. Whatever measures or options be taken by the mesothelioma law firm, it is not usually chargeable unless the case is won. So, it is advisable that whenever a disease of mesothelium called mesothelioma is diagnosed then it is better to avail legal advise regarding claiming of compensation. Unlike other law suits particularly in mesothelioma cases it is never a loss to seek a legal advice as there is no need to pay unless the patient is paid at first, in form of compensation.
For reliable assistance about mesothelioma legal issues, one can online visit mesothelioma law firm [http://www.mesotheliomalawyersfirm.com] at mesotheliomalawyersfirm.com to avail professional advice from board of mesothelioma lawyers [http://www.mesotheliomalawyersfirm.com].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5023231

Financial Planning and Life Insurance - Ruling

You will probably have heard of the recent ruling by the European Court of Justice, which will now change the law on how some insurance and pension products are structured. The case will result in major changes in how certain forms of insurance and retirement annuities will be charged, and will affect you.
What the ECJ case was about
The ruling focused on the perceived sex discrimination that exists when using gender to determine the costs for insurance and pension incomes. Presently, insurers are permitted to use the differences between the sexes to charge different rates for their products according to the risks presented. This means that some forms of insurance are cheaper for women, and others for men. From the end of 2012 insurers will no longer be permitted to charge rates separately for men and women.
On the face of it this would seem fair. However, this does miss the point of insurance. Insurance is determined on the risk of an event happening. If you are not able to take an element of the risk into your calculation this might not be to the benefit of everyone.
Unfortunately, this might not result in you getting cheaper premiums on your insurance; in fact insurers might keep the prices the same for the more expensive groups and put up the price for the previously cheaper groups. Insurers are naturally cautious; if they don't know if a risk is male or female then they might assume the worst case scenario. There may be ways around this, perhaps with individual underwriting.
How will the ECJ ruling affect your insurance and pensions?
Car insurance
At the moment women get cheaper car insurance than men, since in general they drive more safely and have less expensive accidents. From 2013 the premiums will be the same for both sexes. The ruling probably means that your car insurance costs will increase if you are a woman.
Life Insurance
At the moment women get cheaper life insurance than men, since they live longer on average. From 2013 the premiums will be the same for both sexes. The ruling probably means that your life insurance costs will increase if you are a woman.
Income protection insurance
At the moment men get cheaper income protection insurance than women, since they are less likely to get sick than women on average. From 2013 the premiums will be the same for both sexes. The ruling probably means that your income protection insurance costs will increase if you are a man.
Critical illness insurance
At the moment men get cheaper critical illness insurance than women, since they are less likely to get sick than women on average. From 2013 the premiums will be the same for both sexes. The ruling probably means that your critical illness insurance costs will increase if you are a man.
Retirement income (annuities)
Since women live longer on average than men, they tend to receive lower retirement incomes with the same pension funds than men. This is because the same retirement fund must be spread out over a longer period, meaning the income is lower. After 2012 the incomes will need to be equalised, but the result might not be that women get a boost; perhaps men will lose out.
What does the ECJ ruling mean for your financial planning?
Well, you must shop around for the best deal. Do not assume that your current insurer or pension provider will offer you the best deal, since standard rates will probably suffer. It will become more important to compare products after 2012.
Dan Woodruff is a Certified Financial Planner based in Colchester, Essex, UK. He regularly writes articles on financial planning and investment management aimed at UK business owners and investors. Go to http://www.woodruff-fp.co.uk to find more content, or sign up for his free newsletter or financial planning blog.
Woodruff Financial Planning is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6024356

Will the Foreclosure Rate Decline In 2013 Just As Bankruptcy Filing Did in 2012?

Now that we have entered 2013 many Americans are wondering what is going to happen to the economy. The mainstream media keeps reporting that everything is getting better with unemployment going down, new housing starts up and real estate once again starting to move. While some of that information is true the media is not telling the entire picture. Regionally, there are some areas that have hit bottom where investors have found value in the stock of houses has declined causing prices to increase. Looking at this through rose-colored glasses makes it easy to see why the word recovery gets tossed around so much. One reason the real estate bubble burst in 2007 is because Wall Street, DC and Main Street stopped assessing the housing market truthfully. In fact, when housing prices were increasing the Department of Commerce removed it from the inflation numbers. Of course the government didn't want to show house prices doubling because that would take a huge hit on inflationary numbers and cause the Fed to increase interest rates which in turn would slow the economy. Instead, they just lit it on fire and let it go forcing many Americans into foreclosure and bankruptcy filing.
Since 2007, foreclosure has claimed more than 4 million homes nationwide and was on a tear until the Robo-Signing scandal of 2010. When this hit banks nearly halted the processing of all homes in foreclosure to make sure that the I.'s were dotted and the T.'s were crossed before grabbing homes with foreclosure and end up being sued by the debtor. With all this going on it created an artificial decrease in the foreclosure rate. In 2011, only 830,000 homes were foreclosed on. During this time, banks also started increasing loan amounts and credit card balances to debtors. This caused the decline in Americans filing bankruptcy because they could now kick the can down the road and delay their bankruptcy filing.
Now that 2013 is here many experts are predicting an increase or second wave of foreclosures to hit the US. Technically, this is nothing more than the distressed inventory that banks were hanging on to with the idea to avoid collapsing the real estate market further. Currently, the average time for a mortgage to transition from a default to a foreclosure is about two years. Now that the banks are planning to ramp up their foreclosure departments many mortgage professionals are expecting the rates to go up significantly this year. According to RealtyTrac there were over 1.5 million homes in foreclosure in 2012. With that number expected to increase due to the large number of mortgage holders behind at least two payments, some are expecting this number to double in 2013.
This brings me to another point if these numbers are on the road to an increase, the bankruptcy filing number should also increase shortly after. It's only a matter of time before it's time to pay the piper. Most Americans are living way beyond their means and in a recent study that showed that the average American household is only three weeks away from filing bankruptcy. This is living on the edge and instead of taking out more credit, these individuals should be seeking the advice of a bankruptcy attorney. A bankruptcy attorney should be able to point a financially distressed individual in the right direction or at least may be able to talk some sense into them. 2013 will definitely be an interesting year economically as the government is also struggling to make ends meet by running a $1 trillion budget deficit. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this is going to end bad for all of us.
The author started DebtFreeBankruptcyAttorney.Com which is a website that helps individuals with debt problems by putting them in touch with a local bankruptcy attorney that specializes in a bankruptcy filing under Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Check our website for more answers to bankruptcy questions and ideas on how to have a debt free future.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7448513

Lenders Optimistic About Large Mortgage Market in 2013

After a difficult few years, the outlook for the UK's mortgage industry is positive, according to a group of large mortgage lenders. A panel of mortgage lenders assembled at the Mortgage Business Expo in London last week and discussed the prospects for the country's mortgage sector. And, in general terms, the view is that the high value mortgage market is heading in the right direction.
We look at the prospects for 2013 and why more and more people are turning to a national or London mortgage broker for their large mortgage.
Lending set to increase in 2013
Representatives from Nationwide for Intermediaries, Virgin Money and Precise Mortgages discussed the UK's mortgage market at the Mortgage Business Expo in London. The panel broadly agreed that while the mortgage market is unlikely to come on leaps and bounds in the twelve months from January, things are certainly heading in the right direction.
Mortgage Finance Gazette reports that 'with gross mortgage lending expected to reach £140 billion for 2012, the general consensus was that this would probably exceed £150 billion in 2013.'
Alan Cleary, managing director of Precise Mortgages, said that the increase in lending would be as the result of an increase in the number of funders interested in the UK mortgage market. Mr Cleary envisages a three-fold rise in funding in 2013.
Richard Tugwell, director of intermediary sales at Virgin Money, reported that anecdotal evidence from national and London mortgage advisors suggested the third quarter of 2012 was the first time in a while that the major lenders were all keen to do business. He added that any ensuing rate war could see up to 60 basis points come off some mortgage deals in the next twelve months.
As well as increased lending, brokers also expect more people to turn to intermediaries for professional advice in 2013, as we see next.
Rules that 'push customers down the advice route' are welcomed
The Mortgage Business Expo panel also responded positively to the Financial Service Authority's recently published Mortgage Market Review. Ian Andrew, Nationwide's managing director for group intermediary sales, commented: "Anything that pushes customers down the advice route is good."
Recent research from technology form Avelo found that brokers arrange six out of ten mortgages in the UK compared to just one in five arranged through a lender's branch network.
People choose to use a mortgage broker for two main reasons. Firstly, to benefit from professional, bespoke advice from a qualified person; a large mortgage is the biggest financial commitment most people ever make and so obtaining the most appropriate advice is essential.
Secondly, a broker can save a borrower time by looking after the application process. They can arrange valuations and liaise with solicitors and lenders to ensure the application moves quickly to offer and completion. Indeed, recent research found that 85 per cent of mortgages offered via a broker proceeded to completion.
The improving large mortgage market and the FSA rules will hopefully see an increase in lending in 2013. And, brokers are set to play a major part in the recovery of the UK's home loans market.
This article has been written on behalf of Enness Private Clients, who offer an expert and focussed service specifically for clients requiring big mortgages. As a specialist London mortgage adviser they work with people from all walks of professional life: from lawyers, hedge fund managers and board directors to entrepreneurs and self-employed business people.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7401397

Financial Planning and Life Insurance - Ruling

You will probably have heard of the recent ruling by the European Court of Justice, which will now change the law on how some insurance and pension products are structured. The case will result in major changes in how certain forms of insurance and retirement annuities will be charged, and will affect you.
What the ECJ case was about
The ruling focused on the perceived sex discrimination that exists when using gender to determine the costs for insurance and pension incomes. Presently, insurers are permitted to use the differences between the sexes to charge different rates for their products according to the risks presented. This means that some forms of insurance are cheaper for women, and others for men. From the end of 2012 insurers will no longer be permitted to charge rates separately for men and women.
On the face of it this would seem fair. However, this does miss the point of insurance. Insurance is determined on the risk of an event happening. If you are not able to take an element of the risk into your calculation this might not be to the benefit of everyone.
Unfortunately, this might not result in you getting cheaper premiums on your insurance; in fact insurers might keep the prices the same for the more expensive groups and put up the price for the previously cheaper groups. Insurers are naturally cautious; if they don't know if a risk is male or female then they might assume the worst case scenario. There may be ways around this, perhaps with individual underwriting.
How will the ECJ ruling affect your insurance and pensions?
Car insurance
At the moment women get cheaper car insurance than men, since in general they drive more safely and have less expensive accidents. From 2013 the premiums will be the same for both sexes. The ruling probably means that your car insurance costs will increase if you are a woman.
Life Insurance
At the moment women get cheaper life insurance than men, since they live longer on average. From 2013 the premiums will be the same for both sexes. The ruling probably means that your life insurance costs will increase if you are a woman.
Income protection insurance
At the moment men get cheaper income protection insurance than women, since they are less likely to get sick than women on average. From 2013 the premiums will be the same for both sexes. The ruling probably means that your income protection insurance costs will increase if you are a man.
Critical illness insurance
At the moment men get cheaper critical illness insurance than women, since they are less likely to get sick than women on average. From 2013 the premiums will be the same for both sexes. The ruling probably means that your critical illness insurance costs will increase if you are a man.
Retirement income (annuities)
Since women live longer on average than men, they tend to receive lower retirement incomes with the same pension funds than men. This is because the same retirement fund must be spread out over a longer period, meaning the income is lower. After 2012 the incomes will need to be equalised, but the result might not be that women get a boost; perhaps men will lose out.
What does the ECJ ruling mean for your financial planning?
Well, you must shop around for the best deal. Do not assume that your current insurer or pension provider will offer you the best deal, since standard rates will probably suffer. It will become more important to compare products after 2012.
Dan Woodruff is a Certified Financial Planner based in Colchester, Essex, UK. He regularly writes articles on financial planning and investment management aimed at UK business owners and investors. Go to http://www.woodruff-fp.co.uk to find more content, or sign up for his free newsletter or financial planning blog.
Woodruff Financial Planning is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6024356